Those who get out of detention are here legally while they wait for their hearing
Asylum seekers do not qualify for government funding or housing assistance
By the time they arrive, most have no or little financial resources as the journey is costly and dangerous. Hence, when they arrive they are starting a life completely from scratch.
They are not eligible to attain a driver’s license until they have a social security number / won their case / or have been in the US for 150 days
An asylum applicant must wait 150 days after their asylum application is filed in Court before even applying for a work permit. It then takes U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 2 to 8 months to adjudicate the application.
Asylum seekers do not qualify for work permits until they have won their case or at least 365 days have passed without a decision (this number will hopefully change soon).
Most applicants are required to wear GPS-tracking anklets after they are released from detention for many months
Percentage of asylum seekers who win their cases in Immigration Court: 28.4%
Percentage of asylum seekers who win their cases without an attorney: 17.7%
Percentage of asylum seekers who win their cases with an attorney: 31.1%
Top three countries with people seeking asylum, with percent granted asylum : Guatemala - 14.2%; El Salvador - 18.1%; and Honduras - 12.7%